DENSE_RANK in SQL. How it works including examples.

DENSE_RANK in SQL. How it works including examples.

Overview of DENSE_RANK in SQL

The DENSE_RANK function in SQL is used to rank rows in a result set with no gaps in ranking values. Unlike the RANK function, which might skip some rank numbers (for example, 1, 2, 2, 4), the DENSE_RANK function will not skip rank numbers (for example, 1, 2, 2, 3). This function is particularly useful when you want to assign ranks to rows in a way that continuous numerical ranks are maintained.


The syntax of the DENSE_RANK function is as follows:

    [PARTITION BY partition_expression, ... ]
    ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC | DESC], ...

🧑‍💻 Where:

  • partition_expression – specifies the columns by which the result set is divided into partitions.
  • sort_expression – specifies the columns by which the rows in each partition are ordered.
  • ASC – optional keyword to sort the rows in ascending order.
  • DESC – optional keyword to sort the rows in descending order.


Suppose we have a table Sales with the following schema and data:

    SaleID INT,
    EmployeeName VARCHAR(100),
    Department VARCHAR(50),
    TotalSale INT

INSERT INTO Sales (SaleID, EmployeeName, Department, TotalSale) VALUES
(1, 'Alice', 'Electronics', 100),
(2, 'Bob', 'Electronics', 300),
(3, 'Charlie', 'Clothing', 150),
(4, 'Daisy', 'Electronics', 180),
(5, 'Eva', 'Clothing', 250);

We want to rank the sales within each department based on the TotalSale amount.

đź“Ś Query:

        PARTITION BY Department
        ORDER BY TotalSale DESC
    ) AS SaleRank
FROM Sales;

The result set will look like this:

| SaleID | EmployeeName | Department  | TotalSale | SaleRank |
| 2      | Bob          | Electronics | 300       | 1        |
| 4      | Daisy        | Electronics | 180       | 2        |
| 1      | Alice        | Electronics | 100       | 3        |
| 5      | Eva          | Clothing    | 250       | 1        |
| 3      | Charlie      | Clothing    | 150       | 2        |

đź“Ś Explanation:

  • Sales in the Electronics department are ranked as 1 (Bob with 300), 2 (Daisy with 180), and 3 (Alice with 100).
  • Sales in the Clothing department are ranked as 1 (Eva with 250) and 2 (Charlie with 150).

As seen from the results, the ranks within each department are dense, meaning there are no gaps in the ranking sequence. This makes DENSE_RANK a valuable function when continuous ranking without gaps is required.